Friday, February 5, 2016

Religion as the question about women or as the question of man as handled by and handed up to women

The Bible, that is, both the Old and New Testaments, are based on the radically un- and anti-Romantic concept of "love."

Lilith, Adam's first "wife," got quickly bored of Adam and chose to bother herself with more interesting, but also much less responsible and immature demons. In fact, with a whole host of them.

In contrast, Eve (Chave) decided to settle and she was the first to understand that man is "a work in progress." While she did also have her "experimental" phase in the garden, into which she also dragged hapless Adam, she was also the first to realize that a garden without a house does not make sense. And she wanted a house. In fact, a city of houses, if possible. So, unlike Lilith, it was Eve who was the first woman with a plan out of which civilization and culture came to be. 

Ever since, most of womanhood are mainly divided into Liliths and Eves.

Who then created Sapho or Heloise or Shakespeare's Juliet is then beyond me. For the Bible, the word of God, has no place for them--perhaps except for the highly disturbing Song of Songs, which might have smuggled into the text some subversive Egyptian or Arab influences.

One may also noted--on a related note--that the Fathers gave considerable attention to the question and value of female virginity, but somehow any such thought or praise for anything similar for men had never even crossed their mind ... until God became Christian and advanced the cause of celibacy in the folds of the Catholic Church, which, on the surface of it, looks now in hindsight like an attempted palace coup against the Liliths and Eves of the world. Not mention all the Saphos. Out of this St. Theresa was born.

Men in power tended to be partial to the Liliths. If so, would this mean that we have been governed for most part by "demons"?

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