Saturday, April 29, 2017

Putin's Self-Avowal of "Pure Cynicism" with respect to Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine ("Путин - это пустышка-шестёрка Магнатов из-за Бугра , Сурковых , Чубайсов , Ельцинов ...")

At the time when, according to one of the earliest versions of Putin's supposed "clever plan," Ukraine was supposed to have already collapsed on its own--by the end of 2014, Putin made a speech in the Kremlin on December 4, 2014 in which he bragged how much support and how many billions he just had sunken into propping up the fascist, anti-Russian regime in Ukraine at war with Donbass. 

In this way--thanks to his notable and characteristic lack of self-reflection, Putin exposed himself and convicted himself in his own words of treason -- collaboration with and support of the fascist, anti-Russian regime in Kiev back on December 4,2014. After lambasting support of the murderous, fascist, criminal regime as "pure cynicism," Putin needed only about two minutes of talking to start listing all the billions Moscow took from the Russians, its teachers, doctors, children, retirees, health care and their living standards and sent them to the fascists without ever getting any thank you and while, even some years after, I saw Putinists still claiming that Putin has never given the fascists even a cent of aid.

V. Putin, the clever moshenik (hustler) in chief speaking: How is it possible to support a regime and its violence that is killing people and that is burning them alive in Odessa? [1:17-1:50]...To support such a regime is "pure cynicism!" [1:50] ... "Russia has already contributed and is contributing enormously in support of [this] Ukraine. Our banks have given them $25 billion, our Ministry of Finance provided another $3 billion, and Gazprom came up with $4.5 billion in discounts. That's altogether $ 32.5-33 billion only in the latest period!" [4:10-4:46]
Right after this Putin went on to promise that he will never blindly or mindlessly follow any legitimate "actually competent and balanced policies":
Putin will never allow Russia to follow "thoughtlessly and blindly" the policy of "settling all the issues, even disputed issues, through dialogue, within a legal framework and legitimately ....actually competent, balanced politics." (4:50-5:18) Modest applauding in the audience. 
Before this telling and self-indicting statement made from the Kremlin, Putin made another damming declaration, promise and confession:

Putin: "It is well known that Russia not only supported Ukraine and other brotherly republics of the former Soviet Union in their aspirations to sovereignty, but also facilitated this process greatly in the 1990s. Since then, our position has remained unchanged."
Putin thus declared that Russia (back then still called the Soviet Union) supported its own disintegration and demise--the liquidation of its own sovereignty--that Russia "facilitated this process greatly in the 1990s" and that "since then [Putin's] position has remained unchanged" on this. 

According to the insiders, Putin and Poroshenko had one of their many secret talks in early April and "joked" with each other.
Последний разговор проходил в "уважительном корректном ключе". Главы государств периодически "переходили на шутливо-иронический тон".…

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